
Gold chain necklace with turquoise globe pendant

Beautiful coloured Turquoise cut and polished in the shape of a sphere to a resemble planet earth, creates an original pendant.

Adorned with gold detail stars on both poles, it measures 33mm in diameter, and weighs 47gramms.

An 18kt gold belcher chain measuring 77cm/5mm, 30gr is the perfect setting for this unusual piece.

Price: Turquoise Pendant £775
Price: Gold Chain £575

LargeBomellangNecklaceWithAntiqueCrystalPendeloques LargeBomellangNecklaceWithCarneolBeadsAndSilverGiltSpheres GoldChainNecklaceWithRiverStonePebble GoldChainNecklaceWithNobleCoralBranchPendant GoldChainNecklaceWithTurquoiseGlobePendant GoldLlinkChainWithBlueTopazCrossPendant PureTurquoiseBeadNecklace

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